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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower categories / Notice settings for borrower categories
In This Topic
    Notice settings for borrower categories
    In This Topic

    What would you like to know about?

    Notice Settings Parameters
    Send notices to guarantor

    Specifies whether circulation notices are to be sent to the guarantor rather than the borrower.

    Use e-mail for notices

    Specifies whether circulation notices can be sent via e-mail.

    Use telephone interface for notices

    Specifies whether circulation notices can be sent via a telephone interface.

    Notice document processing charge The processing charge code and amount for each delivery method.
    Notice Levels
    Debarral Notices Specifies when and how debarral notices are to be sent.
    Registration Expiry Notices Specifies when and how registration expiry notices are to be sent.
    Registration Reminder Notices Specifies when and how registration reminder notices are to be sent.
    Inactive Borrower Notices Specifies when and how inactive borrower notices are to be sent.


    The above pages provide advice on configuring the policy to generate the listed notice types. To configure the notice content, use the HTML Email & Slips Configurator.