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Cataloguing / Manage authorities / Maintain references
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    Maintain references
    In This Topic

    References are maintained using the Cataloguing module.

    See and see-also references are created from within existing records as 4XX (see from) and 5XX (see also from) fields.

    The §w subfield contains a one-character alphabetic code describing the relationship between the reference and the 1XX field. A brief list of these codes is given in Authority Control AC9. You’ll find the detailed list here.


    The §a subfield contains the text of the reference.

    In the following topics we’ll see how to add and remove see references and see also references. We’ll also see some examples of complex see references (360 field), cataloguer notes and scope notes.

    Add see references to an existing authority

    Add see also references to an existing authority

    Add see also references to a "blind" authority

    Delete references from an authority

    Complex see also references (360 field)

    Non-public and public notes

    You can edit and remove references by editing the authority record in the Cataloguing module and deleting the reference fields.