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New Features in Spydus 10.9 / OPAC features in Spydus 10.9
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    OPAC features in Spydus 10.9
    In This Topic

    Show count of available items in brief display

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  


    The total copy count, total available copies, and current reservations may now be shown at the Brief and Full Display of Bibliographic records at the OPAC.

    Archive records may display the total copy count at the Brief and Full Display of Bibliographic records at the OPAC.

    The parameters for this feature are set in the Availability section of the HTML Configurator.

    Provide holdings details in external search results in OPAC

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    Performing an external search at the OPAC (using the Z39.50 protocol) may now provide a holdings summary for titles returned. The holdings are displayed in the MARC details container at the record Full Display.

    The holdings details are pulled from the 852 tag where the record is retrieved from a Spydus library, or the 926 tag when retrieved from a Sirsi-Dynix library.

    Provide a link to create an ILL request from full display of external search in OPAC

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    In Spydus 10.7, a feature was introduced to allow the placement of inter-library loan requests from the Brief Display results of external searches (via Z39.50) at the OPAC.

    This has been expanded in Spydus 10.9 to allow placement of inter-library loan requests from the Full Display of a title returned in an external search.


    Click image to enlarge

    Enhancement to local checks for requests from external search

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    When a request is submitted from the results of an external search at the OPAC, the local database matching will only be performed on title and author fields. The incoming statement of responsibility is dropped from the search.

    Allow 'unknown' request type at OPAC

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    As some libraries prefer that staff determine whether a request will be for an inter-library loan or purchase, support has been added for logging an 'unknown' (or 'not sure')request type at the OPAC. 

    The URL to Request an item (unknown type) can be commissioned into the OPAC (e.g. with Container Parameters) using the URL:


    Allow digital asset media files to be streamed in OPAC

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  


    Click image to enlarge

    To provide a better experience for borrowers, and to support the rights of the content owners, audio and video files accessed via the OPAC will stream by default when selected rather than download.

    The option to Allow download from OPAC has been added to the OPAC Access section of the Digital Asset record.

    Supported formats are in line with HTML5 video and HTML5 audio streaming standards, and may also be dependent on the user's browser. The most widely supported formats are:

    • for video, MP4 (H.264 encoding)
    • for audio, WAV, MP3, MP4, OGG

    Remove Goodreads integration from Spydus

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    As Goodreads is no longer providing API integration with library systems, all API and display elements have been removed.

    Include postcode lookup in WPAC registration

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    In countries where postcode lookup is supported, addresses may now be autocompleted at online borrower registration and the OPAC Update Details interface using postcode. To enable this feature, check the Enable Postcode Autocompleter option in the Register online section on the General tab of the HTML Configurator.

    Currently supported countries are the United Kingdom & Singapore. 

    Borrower Dashboard update

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    The borrower Dashboard at the OPAC has been re-arranged to improve the navigation experience. Changes include:

    Apply default sort order to WPAC searches

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    Where a default search sorting has been selected in the HTML Configurator, it will be applied to the relevant search type (e.g. Bibliographic, Archive, etc) at the OPAC.

    Allow message attachments to be downloaded in the OPAC

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    Borrower Message attachments may now be downloaded while logged in at the OPAC. If the file is:

    Support RIS format for SavedLists

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    SavedLists can now be downloaded or emailed in the RIS format for use in citations and bibliographies.

    RIS format is also supported in the Spydus staff interface.  

    Add a default image to better handle facebook shares

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    Where a URL has been set in the HTML Configurator for the Image URL for Facebook shares, this image will be displayed on Facebook posts shared from OPAC records if the record does not otherwise have a thumbnail image (e.g. if sharing a Spydus Event to facebook and the Event has an image, the Image URL for Facebook shares will be ignored).

    If the record has no thumbnail, and the Image URL for Facebook shares is not set, the Header logo URL will be used.

    Show linked records when Digital Assets are returned in a search

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    When a search is performed that returns results based on the tags of a Digital Asset, the records linked to that Digital Asset (e.g. Archive or Bibliographic records) will be returned. The tags searched may be either automatically generated tags (e.g. from Azure image analysis) or manually added.

    In the result below, the search term "small to medium-sized cats" is an automatically applied tag on the Digital Asset image file titled "Louie". That Digital Asset file is linked to an Archival Description record with the description "A very good boy".

    Typically Digital Asset records themselves would be suppressed from OPAC display, so this feature allows the linked records to be returned in a search based on properties of the Digital Asset.

    Click image to enlarge

    The Full Display of a Digital Asset - and any records linked to that Digital Asset - will now display the Digital content tags container. This will allow OPAC users to see why a record may have been returned in a result set.

    Clicking on any tag in the Digital content tags container will perform a search based on that tag and the enquiry format of the original search.

    e.g. If the original search was an Archives (ARCENQ search), then only Archives records will be returned when clicking through on a Digital content tag, and - importantly - the search will be performed only on Digital content tags.

    This means that even where records containing a Digital content tag and a Subject heading that is textually identical may have been returned in the original search, clicking on the Digital content tag to perform a search will only return records linked to a Digital Asset with that Digital content tag applied.

    Open borrower message URL in new tab

    This feature requires server version 10.9.2 or higher.  

    When a borrower message is displayed at the OPAC and has a link attached, the link will now always be opened in a new browser tab.

    An icon has been added beside the link to indicate that links will be opened in a new tab.


    Provide bookmark link in OPAC external search

    This feature requires server version 10.9.2 or higher.  

    External search results now link out to the library that holds the title, allowing borrowers to visit the library's site and join to reserve the title.

    The Full Display of a bibliographic record returned by an external search (Z39.50) at the OPAC will include the Link to title field, which contains the name of the library where the title is held. If the library has a URL in the Site Link field in the External Sites Editor, the library's name in the Link to title field will link out the title in that library's OPAC.

    If there is no Site URL in the External Sites Editor, the library name will not link out to their OPAC, but will be displayed in plaint text.